4 Top Tips To Get Your Instagram Seen
Instagram; A social media channel where you can upload images & videos, engage with other users and share your ideas, thoughts and tips.
It may seem like an easy process; you take a picture, upload it, write a caption and it’s done!
But how can you go the extra mile to really get your business’ Instagram out there?
In this blog, we will be sharing the best tips that can help step your Instagram up!

Unless you are a complete stranger to Instagram, you’ve probably seen reels on Instagram - a short video that comes up on your feed. The feature was added to Instagram in 2019 - allowing 15 second videos. In 2022, however, this changed to allow reels for up to 90 seconds to be uploaded!
Many people now use them, but what a lot of people don’t know is how great they are for the Instagram algorithm. You can find out more about how reels work with the Instagram algorithm through this blog: https://napoleoncat.com/blog/instagram-reels-algorithm/#:~:text=If%20a%20user%20engages%20with,content%20is%20relevant%20to%20them.
Reels are much more likely to come up on your followers feed, they grab people's attention and are way more interesting than static images.
Now know that Instagram loves a reel - but what should you create a reel about?
Well, the answer is anything about your business!
You could make a reel with royalty-free music promoting a product, one with a team member talking, behind the scenes footage… The possibilities are endless, so get creative, and remember, Reels can be 15, 30, 60 OR 90 seconds long. https://www.mojo-app.com/instagram-reels/reel-instagram
2. Writing Your Captions Effectively.
Yes, this one may seem obvious, but it is important to know how to write good captions if you want to grab your audience's attention on social media.
If you use these 5 formatting options, then your captions will be effective for algorithms; emojis, hashtags, location, tags… and don’t forget a friendly tone! (You want your consumers to enjoy your content after all!)
3. Engagement
This is probably one of the most important things, and it’s not just for Instagram. Across all your platforms, engaging with your followers will create trust, branding your business as a friendly, likable company.
It can, however, be hard to get comments and messages in the first place, so what can you do to help this?
Three words; Call Of Action.
This means ending your caption with an action that your followers can carry out. For example: ‘LIKE this image if you agree.’ or ‘COMMENT below your thoughts.’
By doing this, you are giving your followers a reason to do to engage with your content. You can then comment back and show your business takes priority in engaging back with its customer.

4. Stories and Highlights
Have you ever been bored and just tapped through Instagram Stories? Well we definitely have, and we’ve come across a massive range of content when doing so - there is such a range of posts on instagram. From selfies and meals to business and political posts! You can find everything.
By posting stories, it allows you to reach your audience in another way, as not everyone scrolls consistently though their feed, and if they do, they refresh the page a lot so may not see your posts there!
By creating stories it also shows other skills, and that your company is dedicated to having a great online presence…
Your followers will love this.

If you want to learn more about tips for social media, read some of our past articles: https://www.socialfireworks.co.uk/single-post/6-tips-to-help-you-with-social-media-in-2022